Neural Networks (Nnet) and Support Vector Machines (svm)
R Example 4.8: To forecast the monthly returns of the S&P 500 with a neural network and a support vector machine models, using as features Shiller's PE 10 series, lags 1 and 2, and lags 1, 2, and 3 of the returns of the S& P 500. The necessary data is in SP500_shiller.csv, and the period considered range from 1900 to 2012.
library(xts); library(quantmod); library(nnet); library(kernlab); library(caret) ##for some data handling functions library(Metrics)##Measures of prediction accuracy sp500 = as.xts(read.zoo('SP500_shiller.csv',sep=',',header=T, format='%Y-%m-%d')) data=sp500['1900/2012'] sp500PE = na.omit(data$P.E10) ##feature:P/E MA(10) ret=diff(log(data$SP500)) ##compute returns ret=na.trim(ret-mean(na.omit(ret))) ##Compute some features: lags 1,2,3; PE, lags 1,2 feat = merge(na.trim(lag(ret,1)),na.trim(lag(ret,2)), na.trim(lag(ret,3)),sp500PE,na.trim(lag(sp500PE,1)), na.trim(lag(sp500PE,2)), all=FALSE) ##TARGET to predict: returns (ret) dataset = merge(feat,ret,all=FALSE) ##(1) ##Label columns of dataset colnames(dataset) = c("lag.1", "lag.2","lag.3","PE10", "PE10.1","PE10.2", "TARGET") ##Divide data in training (75%) and testing (25%) with caret index = 1:nrow(dataset) trainindex= createDataPartition(index,p=0.75,list=FALSE) ##process class sets as data frames training =[trainindex,]) rownames(training) = NULL testing =[-trainindex,]) rownames(testing) = NULL ##Build and tune SVM & Nnet models, bootstrapping 200 reps. bootControl <- trainControl(number=200) prePro <- c("center", "scale") #data is centered and scaled set.seed(2) idxTra = ncol(training) ##SVM model: svmFit <- train(training[,-idxTra],training[,idxTra], method="svmRadial",tuneLength=5, trControl=bootControl,preProc=prePro) svmFit svmBest <- svmFit$finalModel ##extract best model svmBest ##Nnet model nnetFit<-train(training[,-idxTra],training[,idxTra)], method="nnet",tuneLength=5,trace=FALSE, trControl=bootControl,preProc=prePro) nnetFit nnetBest <- nnetFit$finalModel ##tune parameters size,decay summary(nnetBest) ## Proceed to compute the predictions on the testing set ## and evaluate the accuracy of the models. predsvm <- predict(svmBest,testing[,-ncol(testing)]) prednet<-predict(nnetBest,testing[,-ncol(testing)],type="raw") ###EVALUATION (MSE, MAE) actualTS<-testing[,ncol(testing)] ##the true series ##For SVM predicTS<-predsvm mse(actual=actualTS,predicted=predicTS) mae(actual=actualTS,predicted=predicTS) ##For Nnet predicTS<-prednet mse(actual=actualTS,predicted=predicTS) mae(actual=actualTS,predicted=predicTS)